Spread the tipsTry this Deliciously Easy Tamil Nadu Village Fish Curry My lovely friend Blessy from Tamil Nadu taught me her family recipe for a Village Fish Curry that is a favourite for her family. I just love the delicate spices especially the fennel that gives a wonderful aniseed flavour. Blessy uses whole fish […]
Richa’s South Indian Style Egg Curry
Spread the tipsAn Easy, Egg Curry – Delicious for a Family or Dinner Guests This fragrant, richly spiced Egg Curry is a South Indian recipe originally created by Richa at My Food Story. I’ve tweaked it to reduced the fat serves per serve by using only light coconut milk and adding extra eggs and tomatoes to create […]
A light, delicately flavoured Chicken Vegetable Stew
Spread the tipsA family-friendly Indian Dish that Everyone will Love The cuisine of Kerala in South India is varied and diverse. This delicately spiced Chicken Vegetable Stew recipe comes from the Christian community who migrated to Kerala from Syria centuries ago. The spices of India, the Dutch East Indies and Ceylon; cinnamon, star anise, cardamom pods, […]
Tahini Yogurt Topper is Terrific
Spread the tipsTahini Yogurt – Tops Everything I’ve used this Tahini Yogurt recipe so many times since I discovered it from The Nude Nutritionist. It goes so well with anything from poached eggs, sweet corn fritters, salads, steamed or roasted vegetables, white bean mash to meat, chicken or fish. One tablespoon is equal to one fat […]
Sweet Corn Fritters – Quick, Easy, Versatile
Spread the tips5 Ingredients, 5 Minutes is All You Need It doesn’t get easier or simpler than these delicious Sweet Corn Fritters that are the perfect base of breakfast, lunch or dinner dishes. More than that – they make great canapes or a snack. Handy Keep the canned creamed corn and kernels in your pantry […]