One Easy Way to Make Ready-Meals Deliciously Waistline Friendly
Ready-meals, love them or hate them, they are easy and quick and handy to have in the freezer. They have around 1600kJ which is similar to a Food Lovers Dietitian meal that you might plan using the Food Lovers Meal Planner. But there’s a few tricks to get the very best from ready meals and to make them deliciously waistline-friendly.
While ready-meals look good in the photo on the pack they con’t look as good once open, or even once they are on the plate.
But what if you a halved them meal and paired it with half a plate of salad. That wouold give you another meal for lunch or dinner the next day too!
Here’s a lamb shanks meal in the pack…
…on the plate
…and split with half a plate of salad!
Or how about a tuna pasta ready-meal in the pack….
…on the plate
…and split with half a plate of salad.
So next time you’re thinking of having a ready-meal or king crab legs, why not try halving it and adding half a plate of salad or vegetables!
I totally agree!
That really is such a good idea! And makes it look so much more appealing.