About Food Lovers Dietitian
Welcome to the Food Lovers Dieititian!
Here you can find your healthy weight – enjoying the food you love!
If you would love to be a better weight, but it’s all been too hard then you are in the right place.
If you love entertaining and eating out, but it’s tough on your waistline, this can work for you.
If you have tried to lose weight but missed the pleasure of sharing food with family and friends…
…I can help you!!
Are you tired of forever being on a diet, of feeling guilty about eating your favourite foods and knocking back dinner invitations?
I can help you find the freedom to eat what you really love, when your body is hungry… and never miss out again on the joy that good food brings to life.
How can you have the freedom to enjoy the food you love AND find your healthy weight?
My approach is easy, simple, inexpensive and quick because it uses your food and makes it work better for you. I don’t tell you what to eat, but instead how to tweak it to suit you.
I help you know your heart – the foods that matter most to you.
I help you know your hunger – when you enjoy your food most.
I help you know your helps – that make it easier for you to get the best from your food.
I help you know your hassles – that get in the way of really enjoying food and how to beat them.
I unpack my handy guide for prepping the food you eat at home and at work.
I share my hints for entertaining.
I teach you all my hacks for eating away from home, for holidays and feast days!
I invite you to come shopping with me and into my kitchen where I’ll share the tips I use, my favourite recipes and the foods I’m loving now!
I’ll be with you every step of the way and there will be a bunch of fellow food lovers on the journey to cheer your successes, share your challenges and bring you their top tips and ideas. There’s nothing like sharing the adventure with like-minded people whom you can trust.
How do I know this can work for you?
I know this can work for you because I’m sharing everything I’ve learnt as a dietitian for over 30 years about healthy weight.
I’m sharing my passion as a food and travel blogger who loves nothing more than to explore the world and enrich relationships with food.
And I’m sharing my own experiences of seeking and finding a healthy weight. I know what works for food lovers – and I know what doesn’t!
For years, so many people have asked me to tell them how I make it work for me….and that’s why I’ve created Food Lovers Dietitian.
Food Lovers Dietitian is for anyone seeking a better way to do food and weight!
Never again starting another diet!
Never again eating your favourite foods for the last time!
Never again missing out on sharing food with friends.
Let’s get started!
These 7 Steps to Healthy Weight Success is your quick guide to making the Food Lovers Dietitian Meal Planner and the Eating Out Tips work for you and your food.
Get the free downloads and stay in touch so I can let you know when the new tips, tools, recipes and cheatsheets are ready for you!
Stay connected on social media for great ideas that could work for you too!
Tell me what’s working for you, what else you need and how I can help. Please do email and leave comments on the blog.
Bring your friends along! If you like what you see and think it could help someone else, please do tell them!
I’m really looking forward to taking this delicious journey with you! See you again soon!